Human error is a common cause of workplace accidents. New studies have shed light on how eye movements and brain processes contribute to accidents on the job. This has led to further work to prevent such accidents from occurring.
The first study used eye-tracking experiments to develop protocols and systems for detection error. The research team linked eye movement, attention, memory, and decision making to understand how and why workers fail to detect and respond to risks. The results led researchers to conclude that eye movements are an important factor in worksite safety errors and that memory and personality traits have a significant role in risk-taking behavior. Stress and task complexity also play a role in work-related errors.
A second study analyzed the impact of all these factors on human failures in power plants. The study will be used to accurately model human reliability in critical industries such as nuclear power and aviation.
Accidents at Work
These scientific advances will help make workplaces safer. This is a good thing for people who work in hazardous and high-risk industries like those on construction sites and warehouses.
If you are in this type of job, you adhere to practices and procedures that will keep you safe. You expect your employer to take active measures to protect you from dangerous situations in the workplace and educate you on potential risks. If this has not happened and you have been injured as a result, then you should hold them accountable.
You should hire a Los Angeles personal injury attorney if you have been hurt on the job. Regardless of the pledges of support from your employer, a Los Angeles personal injury attorney will be the only one who looks after your interests.
Work Accidents Can Be Life-Altering
If you are seriously injured on the job, you may need to undergo a range of treatments to save your life and set you on the road to recovery. The collapse of a structure, the malfunction of a power tool, the spillage or leakage of toxic substances—any of these can cause you serious harm. They can put you on your back for weeks or months. And even when you are ready to be released, you may not be able to return to work. A work injury attorney in Los Angeles can help you get the money you need to rebuild your life.
Workers’ Comp May Not Be Enough
Your employer may be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. If you have suffered a serious injury, workers’ comp may not be enough.
You may need to seek additional compensation from your employer, or the subcontractor or equipment manufacturer whose negligence led to your accident. A work injury attorney Los Angeles can help you build such a case.
If your employer refused to carry out the kind of training and risk assessment that may have prevented the accident, then you can hold them liable for your injuries. A workplace accident lawyer can gather the evidence necessary to prove that your company had a duty of care, and that their failure to live up to this standard caused the accident that left you injured. Your workplace accident lawyer has the experience and expertise to make such a case.
You should not settle for the small allowance and benefits of workers’ comp when your injuries call for much more. An employment accident attorney Los Angeles can help you get the money you deserve. If you have been in a work-related accident, you should contact an employment accident attorney Los Angeles like Grey Law.